A production proof is essentially a sneak peek at your final product. It's a digital preview presented in PDF format.
Crafted with care, each proof is meticulously generated by hand. Before this, your files undergo thorough verification for size and color profile compatibility. This process also serves as a final check for any potential technical issues, ensuring a smooth production.
You should expect your proof within 1-4 business days*.
NO item will be moved into production without an approved production proof.
Delays in approving your proof will result in production delays. By approving the proof, you agree that all spelling, imagery, design, and all other appearances of your product appear as you intend and you release RewyndPrinting from any and all liability or responsibility for errors or mistakes shown in the proof.
Best part? Proofs come free of charge with your order.
Visual person? Want to see what a Proof looks like? Make sure to check out the new What Happens After You Order? page.
* Saturdays and Sundays are not considered business days and do not count in the day count for fulfillment times